I've been organizing type of person since I was born. I was organizing competitions and other events when I was a little child and this enthusiasm still remains. I've been organizing major competitions (or participate at organizing):
- European Orienteering Championships 2016 (course setter)
- Czech Mountain-O Championships 2012 (event director)
- Adamna Cup (regional competition, annually since 2002)
- World Orienteering Championships 2008 (IT Section)
- MTBO World Championships 2007 (IT Section)
- Central European Youth Orienteering Cup 2020 (Event Director)
- All competitions organized by the club ZBM until 2017
- All competitions organized by my home club TBM from 2017
IOF Event Adviser
Since 19.3.2015, I have been appointed as IOF Event Adviser and I have been authorised to act as IOF Event Adviser at all major international foot orienteering events. In 2017 I was upgraded to Senior Event Adviser licence (SEA), allowing to supervise major international events.
- IOF EA Certificate for period 2015 - 2016
- IOF EA Certificate for period 2016 - 2018
- IOF EA Certificate for period 2018 - 2020
I have been advising these major competitions:
- Czech Sprint Cup, 2016 (WRE)
- European Orienteering Championships, 2017 (EYOC)
- Czech National Championships at long distance, 2017 (WRE)
- Czech National Championships at middle distance, 2018 (WRE)
- Czech National Championships at long distance, 2018 (WRE)
- Orienteeering World Cup, 2018 (OWC)
- World Orienteering Championships, 2021 (WOC) (until 2020)
I finished my work as an SEA in 2020, from healthy reasons.
Organizing software
- EasyEvent - organizing software for simple events based on client-server model. One computer is running HTTP/PHP/MySQL server and other computers are connected via WiFi. Works as web aplication, so no instalation is required. Includes SportIdent evaluation, results projection, easy entry manageement, etc. (more info)
- OrienteeringResultsOnline - first czech online results system. Optimalized for slow connections from forest. Used at EYOC 2005, WOC MTBO 2007 and WOC 2008. Project stopped at 2009. (more info)
- Adamna Info - Simple system for providing informations about competition, managing entries, results, etc. Designerd to use in connection with EasyEvent software. (sample of use)