Archive of news
Update of mapped maps. You can check list of my orienteering maps.
Update of mapped maps. There is no time to update more :-(. You can check list of my orienteering maps.
Next 14.1 km2 of new map was created by me and 7 colleagues in the France. You can check list of my orienteering maps.
Mapped very interesting terrain in Slovakia, close to Banska Bystrica. It is a map for Slovakian Championships and it is combined of tricky vegetation, nice mining area and clear forest. You can check list of my orienteering maps
Partially updated this page with new information. But lot of things remains obsolete, until I found more time to update it.
Mapping project in France again. Around 13 km2 of new map was created by me and 6 colleagues. You can check list of my orienteering maps.
Supervised mapping of an orienteering map for traditional event Adamna Cup, organized anually in Brno.
Finished another bigger mapping project in France. Over 20 km2 of new map was created by me and 6 colleagues. You can check list of my orienteering maps.
Mapped small orienteering map in my home town Brno for traditional event Adamna Cup.
Finished another 2 maps with area of 27.9 km2 for French national team and French national Championships. You can check list of my orienteering maps. This is my 40. orienteering map I have made.
My company Adamna s.r.o. completely organized Czech University Champs 2019. Among other organizing actions, I updated sprint map Technologický park and maintained project of mapping Šibeník map, beautiful detailed terrain full of errosion gullies. The generalization and unification of the map was my task.
Established a new company Adamna s.r.o. focused on event organizing, mapping or organization of training camps for young athletes. This company will work in the sport domain, when Adamna NET will continue to produce custom adjusted automation software.
Mapped another small orienteering map in my home town Brno.
CV was updated with finished PhD study.
List of publications was updated with latest conference paper.
Updated list of publications with latest conference paper, article in impacted journal and doctoral thesis.
Finished another map with area of 9.7km2 for French national team, within our long term cooperation. You can check list of my orienteering maps. This is my 34th orienteering map I have made.
Updated list of publications with latest conference papers.
Updated list of publications with latest conference papers.
Finished another map with area of 7km2 in French Pilat. You can check list of my orienteering maps. This is my 32nd map I have made.
Added two gold medals from Czech Championships to the collection. Thanks belong also to my teammates from relay and team competitions.
I have been reaccredited as IOF Event Adviser for period 2016-2018.
Updated my CV with employment at BUT - UAMT, which started at the begin of year. I also quitted ICRC at the same date.
Updated research outcomes with Registered Industrial Design with device for postural stability diagnosis and treatment.
Updated list of publications with latest published journal article.
Updated map archive with recent maps.
List of my orienteering results in season 2015 was last time updated. Next season, I will be running just for fun, so there is no reason to collect results. I'm glad I finished my orienteering career with good performance at Czech relay and team champs, where my team collected bronze and silver medal.
Updated list of publications with new lately published journal article.
Updated list of publications with two conference papers related to my Robotic 3D Scanner research.
Updated list of my orienteering maps with another project in France. This is my 30th map I have made.
Finishing my top lever orienteering career with 3rd place on Tiomila 2015. Thanks for Kalevan Rasti, the world best team, which gave me experinces, that I will never forget.
Updated map archive with recent maps from training camp in Jeseniky and from trainings before Tiomila.
Mapped new map for annually organized competition Adamna cup.
I have been appointed as IOF Event Adviser for period 2015-2016.
Updated map archive with recent maps.
Updated map archive with map from training and 1st race of Winter league.
Updated map archive with maps from last races.
As a result of my research, RoScan Analyzer software has been published. It allows several measurements of physical attributes of captured model.
Visited Austria Night Champs nad Austria Cup in Unterrohr. Maps are at map archive.
Updated map archive with several new maps from latest competitions. I am not in a good shape now, maybe too tired from work.
Summary of ongoing research project of robotic 3D scanner has been added.
Menu has been restructured and list of research outcomes has been added. Added programming project RoScan 3D for 3D model capturing realized at CEITEC.
Updated list of my orienteering maps with new project in France. I am very close to have 2000 hours spent by mapping.
Attended World University Championships. Except middle relay, my results were not so bad. Maps are at map archive.
Webpage updated in section of present orienteering results. Also my CV was updated with new address and new employment, which I am working at since last year's December.
Very good performance of every runner from our team led to my 3rd Tiomila victory! I have made just one 15 seconds mistake and finished with leading group, so I am satisfied of my result and mainly with overall result of our team! Thanks a lot to everyone from KR first team. Map is at map archive, there is also GPS tracking.
During Easter, I visited Jablonec with nice stony forest and made some couple of training, which are published at map archive. I also uploaded all the maps from end of previous years, when I have not enough time ...
Some next maps from competitions from begin of Czech seasons published at map archive.
First competitions of Czech seasons in inceribly fast terrain. You can check maps at map archive.
As all the 10 years before, I have organized 11th Adamna Cup. Nice weather, satisfied competitors, that is nice. You can check courses here.
After longer period I updated my DOMA archive by maps from TC in Slovenia, where I finished as 3rd at Lipica Open. You can check maps at map archive. During next month I would like to update also these pages.
Finished at 6th place at Czech Long Distance Championships. You can check maps at map archive.
Maps from Czech Relay League competitions and map from Czech League sprint competition are in map archive.
After 10 years I was running summer competitions. HSH Vysocina Cup was nice competition with nice terrains. Maps are in map archive.
First time I visited competition in MTB orienteering. Good experience, I enjoyed the races, but still, foot-O is better. Maps are in map archive.
Silver medal from Czech middle championships in physically demanding forest. Maps are in map archive.
Map from training in my favorite karst terrain at map archive.
Map from training on Suunto Games map is at map archive.
Good performance at Jukola in second Kalevan Rasti team. Finished at 11th place, first team won. Map is at map archive.
After long-time troubles with Campylobacter, which I received at selections, I am back in Scandinavia to run Jukola Relay. Map from model event is at map archive.
Succesfully finished next part of my studies with Ing. title by passing final exams with honour (red diploma).
Presented results of my diploma thesis at ABB University Award.
Big disappointment at this year's selections. Just after coming to Sweden, I got fever, tried to run track race and one competition, but after that, I had to skip next races. As a result of this I can't be selected. You can check my map from chasing race at map archive.
My first Tiomila when not running for Kalevan Rasti first team. Big mistake at the begining due to problems with headlamp, but then a good result, 10th at leg. You can check my map at map archive.
Looking forward to Tiomila. There is my map from last night training before Tiomila at my map archive.
Maps from trainig camp with Czech Team is at my map archive.
Winner of Czech Night Championships! After tight battle with Jan Prochazka, the 19th gold medal from Czech champs is at home. You can watch my map archive for map with route choices.
Maps from CESOM 2013 published at map archive. Fast comeptitions for opening of season.
Pack of maps from Easter training camp close to Pilsen published map archive. In the whole country, there were huge snowstorms except our place - well chosen area for trainings! :-)
Map from today's corridor training in map archive.
List of orienteering maps mapped by myself was updated. Bila hora was my 27th map.
Organized annually held traditional regional competition Adamna Cup for 180 runners. Look at the terrain, it's really nice.
Map from today's night training in beatiful karst terrain at map archive.
Map from today's night training at map archive.
Map from night ultralong training at home terrains is published at map archive.
Maps from today's trainings at map archive.
Map from AOM one-man-relay at map archive.
Map from AOM middle is at map archive.
Next competition at AOM, long distance is over. Nice, rough terrain. Map is at map archive.
Just arrived at Andalucia O-Meeting 2013, where I jump directly to first competition - Forest sprint with knockout finals. Nice! Maps are at map archive.
Map from amazing night training at Brno Orienteering Paradise :) At map archive.
Brief summary of biomedical computer-vision project added to Programming section. It was interesting exploring trip into the domain of science, which is, for me, unexplored.
Escape from ski-training camp because of lack of snow. Map from orienteering intervals in map archive.
Map from today night training at Bílý potok is in map archive.
Employed at international research centre CEITEC since July 2012. Due to this, CV and Programming section was updated.

Mentioned in article of first Události issue at page 25.
Since this year, I will archive my results from all competitions I visited. Tabularized summary of results is available on page results 2013.
Maps from autumn 2012 were added to the map archive. Some of maps are without route choices, beacuse I had no time to draw them and I didn't remember them already.
Entire set of maps from weekend camp of Czech Team published in map archive.
Map from memory training published in map archive.
After longer period without updating this site, I am back with map from night-O at Choceň, which is published in map archive. During folowing days, I will post all missing maps from previous year and make an update of news to have my memories compact :-)
Invited to gala annunciation organized by Ministry of Education and Sports.
Announced as Sportsman of Brno University of Technology 2012 due to results from academic World Championships.
Map from first winter night training covered by snow is in map archive.
Invited to Gala Annunciation of the Best Sportsmen of Brno City.
Maps from club cup published in map archive. Weekend with orienteering, parties, but also with my first mispunch :-(
I have attended traditional funny competition - night orienteering without lamp. Map is in map archive.
Map from Smalandskavlen is in map archive. Nice and fast competition without bigger mistakes.
Maps from Tiomila camp are map archive. There are no drawn routes because I don't remeber them already.
Maps from Zhusta Cup are map archive.
We are the champions! The first victory at the Czech Team Championhips in the very fast terrains at Ochoz. You can check maps from the race at map archive. The entire team made an excelent performance, very satisfied!
The most important Czech Championship is over, 4th place is a good performance. There are maps in map archive and there is also record of television live emision on the pages of CT.
Weekend with very fast relay competitions close to Prague, there are maps in map archive.
There are new maps in map archive, this time from Czech League races at Rymarov.
Map from today's training at Hvozdec is in map archive.
Maps from some trainings which I visited during summer holidays are published in map archive.
Yes! Second bronze medal from World University Orienteering Championships, this time on middle distance. Technically demanding middle distance at interesting map of Cote d Aljub at Alicante.
Bronze medal from World University Orienteering Championships on long distance. Nice long distance over the hot open hills in Alicante desert. Nice competition and also good run from me, which unexpectedly resulted to 3rd place. Satisfied.
Maps from Jukola are in map archive.
Maps from Czech University Championships in map archive.
Silver medal from Czech Middle Championship.
Maps from Czech Middle Championship are in map archive. It was nice middle competition. The competition map proved that using old orienteering map as basemap is a bad way - it could (and should) be interesting for mappers.
Map from middle training in map archive.
Selected to World University Championships in Alicante, Spain.
Maps from weekend competitions in sandstones are in map archive. Nice technical weekend.
Map from nettle-hell in map archive. Why are the best terrains so overgrown?
Maps from relay training and following relay weekend published in map archive. It was very successful weekend for Zabovresky, and it will be so even if Czech team members are competing!
EOC long distance final in map archive. 38. place. from the objective point of view, the result is poor, but from my subjective view, it was quite good race.
EOC long distance qualification also in map archive. Almost the same result as yesterday, but together with mistakes of others empowered me to reach the final.
EOC middle qualification in map archive. No mistakes plan satisifed, but it wasn't enough. The weakness after ankle injury was too significant, so finally I didn't qualify. The one extra week for ankle recovering would be good ...
Leaving to European Orienteering Championships. It would be nice to have one extra week to have fully recovered ankle. I managed to avoid pain, but had no time to get back to my shape ... We will see, how it will happen.
First time running after ankle injury. At Wednesday, I will try to run in forest ...
Documentation of Self-Locating by Pattern Tracking project available.
Informations (including video presentation) about interesting Self-Locating by Pattern Tracking project, which I have finished as semestral project at university, were published in Programming section.
Czech Night Orienteering Championship with the worst failure - I accidentally distorted my ankle so I had to skip the event. Now, I am even able to walk ...
Maps from selection races for European Championships were published at map archive. Valueable experiences, which prove again that I am phzsically slow comparing to others.
Map from last relay training at Vidnava added to map archive. Next orienteering are selections for EOC & WUOC.
Back from training camp at Vidnava where I spent Easters. Maps are published at map archive. I enjoyed it and also felt that my running shape goes slowly back to me ...
My bachelor thesis which I succefully finished in May 2011 was now added here, to my "memory", under the Sap-flow meter link. It was unusual interesting project, at least for me. Thanks for experiences from this department of science.
I really appreciate the support from Kalevan Rasti and SK Žabovřesky Brno so I added their logos to the Orienteering sidebar.
Maps from very fast CESOM 2012 published at map archive.
Some new informations in programming section about interesting Computer Vision project finished at December 2011.
You can visit programming section to see some new information about finished ROB Studio project realized at January 2012. It is a scripting environment to program behavior of robotic arm.
Map from training in nice erosion terrain published in map archive.
Map from night training in blackberry hell in map archive.
Next maps from Hungary training camp map archive. Feeling much more better physically when leaving Hungary back to Brno.
Once again at Hungary, this time on training camp with Kalevan Rasti. My shape is bad now, because I am few days after getting out of flu. The maps are available in the map archive.
Organizing the 10th Adamna Cup, what is a sprint competition because of what I started with organizing and mapping 10 years ago. Feeling nostalgy ...
Maps from Hungary published at map archive. 2nd stage of Juniper Open is missing because I fell ill ...
Maps from first trainings in sunny Hungary published at map archive.
New mapping project finished. I enjoyed the mapping at the same place where I made my first map. It is very tough terrain, so my average time per kilometer has been decreased. Real terrain is really very different from that 10 years old map, I see now. Would I be saying the same in 10 years to the map I've made now? :-)
Map from Night training at Ruprechtov published at map archive.
Map from ONOS Cup published at My map archive.
New map in My map archive (Night-O training Hvozdec)
Making a new orienteering map of the place where my very first map was made. Ten years after. I hope it will be much more better :-)
Working on Sick LMS 400 laserscanner driver.
These pages were launched.