

2008 Started to study at Brno University of technology.
2011 Realized inovation of Sap-flow meter as my bachelor thesis.
2012 Started to work as C# programmer at international research centre CEITEC.
2013 Finished my engineer studies with master thesis dealing with first version of Robotic 3D scanner.
2013 Started to work at international medical research centre FNUSA ICRC.
2013 Started to study doctor studies at Brno University of Technology.
2015 Quitted the FNUSA ICRC project.
2016 Started to work at BUT - UAMT.
2017 Finished my PhD studies at BUT - UAMT.

Since I was a child, I have been interested in doing things better. That is why I started to do a website programming - I was satisfied when I was able to improve company's presentation. Also my both thesis at university has an inovative character. So, when I got an oportunity to work in applied research based on real devices and helping people, I agreed ...


Since 2012, I am working at partial load in Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) as a researcher. My work is composed from development of robotic applications for medical purposes.

More informations: http://www.ceitec.eu

Brno University of Technology

I have studied both bachelor and master studies at Brno University of Technology. At the same university, I am working at Department of Control and Instrumentation.

More informations: http://www.vutbr.cz

My projects

Running projects: Finished projects:
Research submenu
Running projects: Finished projects:
Latest news

Update of mapped maps. There is no time to update more :-(. You can check list of my orienteering maps.

Next 14.1 km2 of new map was created by me and 7 colleagues in the France. You can check list of my orienteering maps.

Mapped very interesting terrain in Slovakia, close to Banska Bystrica. It is a map for Slovakian Championships and it is combined of tricky vegetation, nice mining area and clear forest. You can check list of my orienteering maps

Partially updated this page with new information. But lot of things remains obsolete, until I found more time to update it.

Adam Chromý
Jundrov 570
637 00 Brno
Czech Republic

+420 776 627 692