RoScan Analyzer is a software tool to view and analyze 3D models captured with RoScan 3D software package using Robotic 3D Scanner. It allows detail exploring of model, switching between several layers (brightness based colouring, smoothness nased colouring etc.), merging several surfaces into one model and mainly measuring of physical attributes.

Main software features are:

  • Rotating, shifting and zooming of 3D model
  • Switching between several surface colouring layers
  • Measuring of physical attributes of entire model or user selected parts - volume, surface, distances, angles.
  • Merging of several surfaces into one model
  • Displaying model metadata

This software requires Microsoft .NET framework 4 or higher already installed on target computer. Software is still alive and its updates are prepared.

RoScan Analyzer analyzes 3D models captured with RoScan 3D software. For more information about capturing 3D models see RoScan 3D page.

Latest version

Version number:
Release date: November 2014
Licence: freeware

RoScan 3D & Analyzer setup package
size: 4.36MB, last modified: 25.11.2014


This work was supported by the project CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0068) and FNUSA-ICRC (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0123) from European Regional Development Fund.

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Update of mapped maps. There is no time to update more :-(. You can check list of my orienteering maps.

Next 14.1 km2 of new map was created by me and 7 colleagues in the France. You can check list of my orienteering maps.

Mapped very interesting terrain in Slovakia, close to Banska Bystrica. It is a map for Slovakian Championships and it is combined of tricky vegetation, nice mining area and clear forest. You can check list of my orienteering maps

Partially updated this page with new information. But lot of things remains obsolete, until I found more time to update it.

Adam Chromý
Jundrov 570
637 00 Brno
Czech Republic

+420 776 627 692