EasyEvent is software for organizing of orienteering competitions. Compared to other organization software, advantages of EasyEvent are:

  • Supports multi-computer organizing without software installing and network setting.
  • Simple entries evidence in case of individual competitors (no club entires).
  • Works without power source (only laptops with batteries).
  • Just-in-time results projected by data projector.
  • One SI card could be used more-times in one competition.
  • Supports mass starts without SI - very easy administration.


Computer with installed EasyEvent is running Apache/PHP/MySQL server and provides wireless network. Other computers are conected via this Wifi network and uses web-browser to access services of EasyEvent. Big advantage is, that any computer could be used for organizing in minute without installing any software.

Latest version

Version number: 2.4.2
Release date: January 2012
Licence: On demand freeware

If you are interested in use of this software, please contact me and I will send you installation package. No support is provided.

Programming submenu
Running projects: Finished projects:
Latest news

Update of mapped maps. There is no time to update more :-(. You can check list of my orienteering maps.

Next 14.1 km2 of new map was created by me and 7 colleagues in the France. You can check list of my orienteering maps.

Mapped very interesting terrain in Slovakia, close to Banska Bystrica. It is a map for Slovakian Championships and it is combined of tricky vegetation, nice mining area and clear forest. You can check list of my orienteering maps

Partially updated this page with new information. But lot of things remains obsolete, until I found more time to update it.

Adam Chromý
Jundrov 570
637 00 Brno
Czech Republic

+420 776 627 692